Your 3 Step Checklist to Wrap Up 2013

Your 3 Step Checklist to Wrap Up 2013

Every year, Q4 provides companies with a final 12 weeks to sprint toward the finish line and close the year on a high note. What many forget is that this should also be a time of reflection and recognition on the staff that made so many amazing things happen throughout the year. It is easy to push and drive a team to success but not as easy to spot when your people need a break or an extra pat on the back to help get them through the year.

As an executive with The Liberty Group, I have found this time of year to be a good time to take a step back and assess the year. For this to be a success you must not only look at offices/locations, but also individuals. Making adjustments sooner than later allows you to set specific goals, address any needs you uncover, and get ahead of your competition.


With those objectives in mind, here are 3 easy steps that every company can use to wrap up the year:

  1. Attitude – Assess the overall attitude of each office location, and then probe deeper to examine the attitudes of every individual who support those offices. Every employee must be accounted for; doing a simple one-on-one with each one shows you care and proves to them they are an integral part of the team.
    Everyone needs the opportunity to vent at times and this allows for that in a safe and constructive manner. Often just listening avoids further issues down the road. By giving your staff an outlet to release their frustrations and share, you are creating an environment where your people feel they are being heard.
  2. Praise – Pinpoint an area where each employee has excelled and write a handwritten note letting them know you noticed a job well done. This is a very simple exercise that shows you are willing to take the time and acknowledge what your people are doing.
  3. Communicate – Once you have gathered your findings, work with your management team and staff to openly discuss the wins and losses for the year. Address what could have be done better, where you fell short, and what are the 3 biggest items that must change to continue on a path of growth and success. Giving your people a voice in what happens in their office creates a more engaged employee – which naturally leads to a more productive employee.

Working as a team to build your plan of action for the upcoming months generates buy-in from your staff and creates accountability for them to own their part of the process.

You cannot stop pushing or driving your business but you can show your people you care by supporting and developing them. By doing this, you are creating an environment of success for each and every member of your team.
