“I’m sorry we went with another candidate” is the dreaded response many have heard during their job search. Whether it be a rejection letter, being told you didn’t get the job or simply not hearing anything at all, it makes your job search stressful. Let us help you increase your chances at landing the job you want, not the one that is available!
Here’s what several top Recruiters shared as the keys to a successful interview:
1. Dress for success. Make sure your clothing is clean and appropriate. Do not wear short skirts or revealing tops and limit the amount of jewelry you wear. Cover any tattoos and be well groomed. Make sure your clothes are not wrinkled. Be presentable and look the part.
2. Always be on time! If you are going to be late, make sure you call and speak to the hiring manager and explain your situation.
3. Do your homework. Research the company and the position you are applying for. Go the company website and study the product, the service, the company vision and or press releases.
4. Be prepared with questions and participate in your interview. This is your chance to get a better understanding of what you will be doing and the expectations of the position. Make sure you ask questions and show a genuine interest in the company as well as the position you are applying for.
5. Never bash or bad mouth your previous company, its employees or your direct supervisor. It’s okay that you want a fresh start but never acceptable to bring your dirty laundry to a new job.
6. Always follow-up after the interview with an email or thank you card.
7. Do not schedule an interview if you are not prepared to work the shift/schedule you are applying for and never interview for a job you are not serious about taking. This wastes that person’s time and is not necessary.
8. It is okay to ask when a decision will be made or for feedback on your interview but don’t be too aggressive. Shoe your interest and follow up but don’t be pushy.
9. Always make eye contact and your body language should mirror the posture of the person doing the interview.
10. Be approachable and relax. Believe it or not, the person conducting the interview is probably nervous too. It’s okay to smile and enjoy the process.
11. Your social media sites will be looked at by the prospective company. Make sure all of your social media sites portray you in a way you will want your next employer to see.
While these may sound basic, you will be amazed at how many of our clients share stories daily on how unprepared interviewees are. You are competing with a large talent pool and must be able to distinguish yourself from the others. If an employer is comparing 2 identical resumes, they will need to rely heavily on the interview to determine who is a better fit for the open position they have. This is your chance to separate yourself from the others and stand out.