It’s fair to say there’s quite a bit written about best employee-retention practices, but what about how to treat the newest employees? Properly onboarding new hires requires a comprehensive effort to make them feel welcome and connected to your organization right from the start. While you should certainly focus your attention on the hiring process, it’s equally important to ensure employees have an exceedingly positive experience as they join your team and become integrated within your organization.
By following these steps, you can make your newest hires feel welcome and ensure they have a smooth transition into your workplace.
Plan Ahead
It’s important to remember that onboarding new employees requires more than a simple announcement or meeting. Successful onboarding involves a concerted effort to make sure your new workers are given all the knowledge, resources and instruction they will need to be successful. This means providing your employees with a formal tour of your workplace, along with training materials and resources. It also means making sure all your employees’ workstations are ready and that their supervisors are prepared to train and introduce them to others on the team.
Assign Mentors
Sometimes the first week at a new job can feel like the first few days of high school. Rather than leave your employees to fend for themselves and figure everything out on their own, consider matching them with mentors who can show them the ropes. Placing new hires with experienced employees can have many benefits. First, having a mentor by their side will help your new employees feel more comfortable and acclimated with their new surroundings. Mentors can help your new hires navigate even the simplest tasks during their first week, alleviating the first-week jitters that come along with a new job. Second, a culture of mentorship can be instrumental in the growth and development of your team. Over time, mentors can be an incredible resource to your newest employees, guiding them as they grow and advance within your organization.
Schedule a Social Event
There’s perhaps no better way to make new employees feel welcome than to spend some time socializing with them! Scheduling a lunch for your new hires will give them the opportunity to meet co-workers across the organization and immerse themselves with the team. Most importantly, it will demonstrate a culture of openness and communication, helping them feel comfortable to ask questions and seek help or guidance when needed.
Though it’s normal for new employees to have some “first day jitters,” taking the steps above will reduce their stress and uncertainty during their first few days on the job. Implementing these practices will also set the stage for improved employee performance and retention, which are both vital to your organizational success.
In need of new talent?
Grow your workforce with The Liberty Group, with locations in major cities throughout the U.S. – including offices in New York, New Jersey, Georgia, Ohio, and the Carolinas. Contact us today!