Maximizing Productivity While Operating with Less Staff

Maximizing Productivity While Operating with Less Staff

Has the COVID-19 pandemic changed your staffing levels and the way in which you manage your property? With less staff on-site, it may be challenging for you to maintain normal productivity on a regular basis. Even with sudden drops in staffing, it’s essential that you take steps to ensure that the quality of service delivered to your tenants goes uncompromised. As you get your team acclimated to new procedures, here are some key tips for getting everyone up to speed in the best way possible:   

Establish a plan that focuses on health and safety.

First and foremost, any operational changes made within your business should focus on the health and safety of your staff and residents. This means that all new protocols set forward should reflect safety guidelines, such as requiring social distancing and PPE gear. Even with a reduced staff, employees should remain vigilant about practicing the highest degree of safety when interacting with one another, as well as tenants and contractors. If your staff feels their health is being valued, they will ultimately be more productive and motivated under the circumstances.

Implement virtual communications practices.

To keep your staff fully engaged and productive during the pandemic, it’s essential to have a virtual communications system in place that operates as fluidly and efficiently as possible. This means implementing advanced communications platforms – such as video conferencing or instant messaging – that allow your staff to freely exchange information without having delays or interferences. Maintaining open lines of communication is key to keeping productivity levels high, as your staff will be able to easily provide each other updates without having to physically meet to get work done.

Keep residents informed about new procedures.  

A shift to remote work in any multifamily business may leave residents  concerned their needs won’t be met in a timely fashion. It’s critical to fully inform your tenants about changes to your office and staff procedures so they know what to expect from your management team. For instance, do you now utilize a remote call center after hours? Is there a new online system for your  residents to submit work orders? Will your office staff have limited hours? Actively communicating with  residents about these types of changes will eliminate confusion while allowing your staff to continue providing top customer service.

As the pandemic continues to change the way multifamily businesses operate, there are certainly many changes to navigate. However, taking the steps above will ensure your business continues to run at an optimal level, even with a reduced staff.

Are you a property manager struggling to meet staffing needs? Get in touch with The Liberty Group, an executive search and staffing firm serving 24 cities and their surrounding markets nationwide.
