Tis the Season…To Find a Job?

Tis the Season…To Find a Job?

We get asked over and over if the holiday season is impossible to find a job. Are people even hiring? Is there any money in the budget to hire? The answer is YES tis the season!

It can be easy to get distracted from your job search during the last months of the year, especially as the holidays approach. Ideas of cooking for the family, fighting the crowds in the shopping malls, traffic and gingerbreads dance in your head. Consider these facts:

Ramp up your Job Search!

1. Companies ramp up by recruiting workers for immediate seasonal needs or prepare for upcoming projects in the New Year.

2. The end of the year is prime to NETWORK. Think about all the events and people you will see and meet. Simply ask them if they are hiring or know of anyone who might be.

3. Keeping up with your pace will keep your momentum going when the New Year starts. Don’t slow down, procrastination is the number one reason people don’t find their job.

4. Other job seekers may be taking a break during the holidays, so that means less resumes are coming in and hiring managers have more time to interview and take time to make the correct hire.

5. Hiring managers and recruiters have more time to post jobs and look at new possibilities and candidates they may not have considered before.

6. Companies have more time to train someone new who may lack some experience.

7. Many companies hire temporary employees to cover vacations, the flu and seasonal help. This is your chance to go from a temporary employee to a Permanent employee.

8. Companies need help with preparing for the tax season and benefit open enrollment. Again, that could turn into a permanent opportunity or give you money in your pocket to enjoy holiday shopping.

So don’t slow down on your job search for these last two months of the year. Keep at it and know where to look for openings. Stand out on your resume, brush up on your interview skills, watch out for your social media posts and be ready…Santa may just check your name off the list…
