Are gaps in a resume that important?

Are gaps in a resume that important?

Nearly all job seekers have been warned to avoid gaps of employment on their resume. Advisors note that such gaps could be enough to give some employers pause and land your application in the bottom of the pile (or worse nudge you out of contention for the position altogether). While there is truth to these warnings, the issue of employment gaps is not a simple one.

Not All Employment Gaps Are the Same

Most human resource personnel understand that life is not one smooth road that unfurls gracefully. There are going to be instances when you need to leave the workforce and with good reason. One of the most common reasons is the birth or adoption of a child. Trends show growing numbers of both men and women taking advantage of paid time off from work to facilitate bonding with a new addition. It is also not uncommon for either parent to take several years off from the workforce until the youngster starts school.

Other instances of employment gaps that tend to be overlooked include those taken to address medical issues or to provide medical care for a family member. Also notable are those that result from a move and those taken to obtain a degree.

The Length of Time is Important

0723resumeThe length of time that you are unemployed is also taken into consideration. Many couples may decide that a move demanded by one spouse’s job is important enough for the entire family to relocate. In that instance, it could mean that the other spouse has no job lined up in their new city.

When you factor in the time needed to set up a household and get everyone acclimated to the area, it is not unusual for that spouse to be unemployed for several months. Once explained, many human resource personnel understand that an employment gap such as this is not problematic.

Patterns Matter

Job changes are part of life for many adults. Situations as noted above are just a few reasons for these changes. That being said, a pattern of job changes and relocation every few months — or even years — could signal a problem for a hiring authority.

Unless you have a solid explanation of such frequent gaps in your employment, human resource officials might hesitate to call you in for an interview. Frequent gaps in employment are often considered to be a sign of instability and unreliability when considering new talent.

The important thing to remember about employment gaps is that most hiring committees are understanding about them provided the rest of your employment history is solid. If you are worried about the way such gaps in your employment will appear on your resume, however, you have options. One of the most popular options is taking on temporary employment.

The Liberty Group offers an extensive array of services that are designed to help prevent any fallout you might incur from having significant gaps in your employment history. Contact them today at 855.961.7666 and learn how they can help you further your career.
