Are You A Manager? Here’s How to Increase Your Emotional Intelligence

Are You A Manager? Here’s How to Increase Your Emotional Intelligence

Do you feel you sometimes struggle to work well with others? If you’re a manager at your workplace, having a high degree of emotional intelligence is particularly important. In any managerial role, you’re expected to communicate and work effectively with many different types of people, all with varying jobs and responsibilities. By improving your emotional intelligence skills, you can significantly enhance your managerial abilities while making a greater positive impact on your team. Here’s how to get started:

Be assertive with your communication style.

Managers with high levels of emotional intelligence are typically those with strong communication skills. Emotional intelligence requires assertiveness in your communication style in which you exchange ideas with your employees in a respectful, yet professional way. Being able to articulate your feelings and ideas directly with your staff without being aggressive or unapproachable is the first step to achieving greater emotional intelligence in your everyday interactions.

Engage in active listening.

As a manager, it’s your job to understand your team members’ concerns and be proactive in resolving issues before they get out of hand. Part of this process involves engaging in active listening in which you pay close attention to what others are saying before jumping to respond or provide feedback. You can also engage in active listening by paying close attention to others’ nonverbal communication, such as hand gestures, eye contact or facial expressions. This will help you better understand the meanings and intentions of others.

Take initiative as a leader.

One of the most impactful ways to earn the respect of your team is by exemplifying true leadership behavior. Taking initiative to resolve conflict and assist your team in overcoming obstacles will allow you to earn greater credibility as a manager while becoming a better problem-solver and decision-maker in your role. By elevating your leadership skills, you’ll gain a higher level of productivity and performance in your day-to-day routine.

Being proactive with improving your emotional intelligence will ultimately make you a better manager in many aspects. Not only will you earn more respect from your employees, but you’ll grow more professionally and personally as you evolve in your managerial role. 

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