Santa needs lots of toys!

Santa needs lots of toys!

santa AAGD/AATC members are needed to once again fill Santa’s sleigh! It’s that time of year again to set our sights on LOTS and LOTS toys! The Toy Drive Committee has begun their campaign to collect cash donations and to get properties in the DFW metroplex to sign up and join us in our annual toy drive, benefiting the Marines Toys for Tots. We can’t do it without your help! AAGD/AATC members will celebrate the Holiday season on December 9 with a festive Christmas Reception at the Hotel Inter-Continental. The evening will feature an opportunity for you to become Santa’s helper, as AAGD/AATC join forces with Channel 4 and the Marines Toys for Tots. This program collects toys for less fortunate children in North Texas.

The 2014 AAGD/AATC Toy Drive Committee will be chaired by our own Branch Manager, Jann Villanueva, The Liberty Group and co-chaired with Darcy Bixby with Westdale Management. We need your help in making this year’s drive as successful as year’s past. You may become involved by donating a toy, providing your office as a toy drop location, promoting the toy drive or by making a cash donation for the committee to purchase toys. As in years past, all attendees at the Annual Christmas Reception are asked to bring an unwrapped toy for a girl or a boy to help further the efforts. The Christmas Reception will be held once again at the Hotel Inter-Continental. For further information about the 2014 Toy Drive or for an information packet, please call

Paula Kelley, AAGD Director of Events at 972/385-9091.  We need LOTS of money to make this asuccessful drive once again!
