Best Practices For Following up After an Interview

Best Practices For Following up After an Interview

After finishing a stressful job interview, it’s normal to experience feelings of relief. However, it’s important to remember the interview process does not end after the interview is physically over. To truly make a positive, long-lasting impression you must take steps to follow up with your interviewer and keep communication fluid. Remember, you’re likely competing against several other highly qualified candidates for any given job. You must do everything in your power to stand out – and show the employer how serious you are about the job opportunity. Here are some essential practices to follow any interview:


Send a thank-you note (promptly).

Would you receive a wedding gift without sending a thank-you note? Probably not. The same applies for a job interview. You should always follow up with a thank-you note within 1-2 days of your interview to express gratitude and reinforce your interest in the company and position. While a written note is ideal, a personalized email thanking your interviewer will also suffice if necessary. In addition to saying thank you, use your note as an opportunity to share any additional information you may have forgotten during the interview. It’s also a good idea to point out something specific you discussed with the interviewer, such as how your prior employment experience makes you an excellent fit for the company’s culture. The more you can personalize the note, the more positively it will be received.


Reconnect within a reasonable timeframe.

If it’s been at least two weeks since your interview and you haven’t heard anything back from the hiring manager, it’s perfectly acceptable to follow up with a professional email or phone call. It’s OK to ask about the company’s tentative hiring timeline politely and approximately when they’ll be making a hiring decision. This type of follow-up will give you a reason to reach out again and demonstrate the further interest in the job without being overly pushy or aggressive. Every company’s hiring procedures are different, so try to be patient and think positive.


Always be assertive and professional.

This means not allowing your emotions or anxiousness to get in the way of your correspondence. Following up within reasonable timeframes is an essential part of the process and shows that you’re taking initiative for your future. By always conducting yourself with the highest degree of grace and integrity, you’ll earn even more respect by the employer.


The way you follow up after an interview can be just as meaningful as the interview itself. Making a habit to follow the practices above will ensure a positive post-interview experience.


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If you still find your follow-up has not found you a great fit, consider calling one of our experienced recruiters today. We will help you find a gratifying career in the apartment industry. We have direct hire, temporary, and temp to hire jobs available you can start today. We’re located in all major cities throughout the United States. Contact us today!
