Does LinkedIn Matter? Why It’s Important for Your Job Search and Career Growth

Does LinkedIn Matter? Why It’s Important for Your Job Search and Career Growth

In today’s world, few social media networking sites are as impactful as LinkedIn for finding a new job, growing a professional network, and showcasing industry expertise. So, if you’re a job seeker who’s currently not on LinkedIn, you’re missing out on many opportunities to connect with employers and market your credentials. Understanding the many benefits of LinkedIn is important for a successful job search.  Here three significant reasons why it’s imperative to be on LinkedIn and how you can maximize your use of the site for your job search and career at large:   

Building a powerful personal brand. As employers are increasingly seeking candidates with strong personal brands, LinkedIn is one of the premier places online to promote yourself, including your experience, professional interests, and career goals. From posting relevant industry content to developing your own self-published articles, you can leverage your LinkedIn profile to highlight your personality, emphasize your strengths and showcase your accomplishments. How your personal brand is conveyed through LinkedIn is heavily dependent on your profile. Ensuring you have a complete profile that’s regularly updated and comprehensive of your employment history, skills, and professional affiliations will ensure you get the most exposure and traction from the content you share.            

Growing and maintaining a strong network. Sooner than later, the days of exchanging business cards will be long gone. As the business world evolves, most networking will continue to happen heavily on LinkedIn. Being an active LinkedIn user involves regularly connecting with other professionals on the site, essentially adding them to an online rolodex of contacts. Whether it’s individuals you already know or new professionals you meet through industry groups or employers of interest, using LinkedIn is key to building and maintaining a strong network as you look for new jobs and explore career prospects. Rather than managing hundreds of business cards, having a database of contacts on LinkedIn makes it much easier to keep track of your contacts and access their information, such as where they’re currently employed.

Researching companies. If you’re on the market for a new job, you know firsthand how critical researching employers can be in finding opportunities that fit your skills and interests. LinkedIn is a prime resource for researching employers, providing ample information about company news and insights, which can be useful if you’re preparing for an interview or want to learn more about what the company is doing. Often a company’s LinkedIn page can also give you a sense of the employer’s workplace culture, showcasing a variety of company content, such as videos or blogs.

LinkedIn is by far one of the most valuable social networking sites for professionals in all industries. Whether you’re simply looking for a new job or want to build a stronger reputation in your field of work, there are dozens of reasons why it pays to be an active LinkedIn user.  

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