Hiring and Retaining Top Talent in Real Estate: Strategies for Success

Are your workforce needs rapidly growing? It may be time to focus on how you can improve your hiring and retention into the new year. Investing in some new hiring practices may result in better placement outcomes, which will have long-term benefits for your organization’s bottom line. As you gear up for the year ahead, […]

Holiday Gifts Your Coworkers Will Love!

With the holidays quickly approaching, you may have already begun to think about gift options for coworkers. As you start your gift planning, it’s helpful to research some of the best budget-friendly gift ideas so you’re not feeling stressed during holiday time. Check out these three gifts your coworkers are guaranteed to love!   Artificial […]

Fair Housing 101: What You Need to Know

risk management

Whether you’re a property manager or maintenance tech, being educated about the Fair Housing Act (FHA) is essential to performing your job professionally and competently. Established in 1969, the Fair Housing Act is a federal law designed to prevent discrimination against “certain protected classes” during the rental or home buying process and other housing-related activities. […]

Three Ways to Stand Out at Your Company

Do you want to make a long-lasting impression as a rock star employee? Are you hoping to earn a leadership role at your company soon? If you have plans to continue growing, it’s imperative that you take matters into your own hands to prove your value to your employer. Remember, your actions and behaviors will […]

It’s Time to Review Your Hiring Process for 2020

With the new year around the corner, you may be in the process of doing a year-end review to forecast your company’s future performance. As you seek to make positive changes within your organization, the first place to start is often your hiring process. How you conduct your hiring process can have a huge effect […]

Four Ways to Improve Your Company Brand

You’re probably well familiar with the concept of branding, but have you considered the power of your company’s brand? There are many ways to elevate your company’s brand while indirectly enhancing employee engagement, improving retention, and raising awareness about your mission in your local community and beyond. Whether you’re already established or are still in […]