How Technology is Changing Onsite Property Management Roles

Emerging technologies are increasingly playing a critical role in the workforce, changing the way many jobs are performed. The introduction of new tools, systems, and devices has especially impacted the property management industry over the past several years, shaping many operational and management functions. Here are some of the advanced technologies that are changing many […]

Fair Housing 101: What You Need to Know

risk management

Whether you’re a property manager or maintenance tech, being educated about the Fair Housing Act (FHA) is essential to performing your job professionally and competently. Established in 1969, the Fair Housing Act is a federal law designed to prevent discrimination against “certain protected classes” during the rental or home buying process and other housing-related activities. […]

Don’t Make These Two Common Interview Mistakes

Has the job search felt like a major struggle lately? While you may be a highly qualified candidate, your approach to the interview process may need some improvement. Often candidates are oblivious to mistakes they continually make during interviews, only to be left wondering where they went wrong. Here are two of the most common […]

Optimizing Your Workday: Tips for a Productive Workday

Does it feel like you’re constantly trying to catch up at work? Achieving productivity can be a challenge for many employees who are often pulled in different directions and struggle to prioritize projects and assignments. If you believe you’re not reaching your greatest potential at work, it’s important to assess how a lack of productivity […]

Looking for a Job? The Liberty Group Can Help!

Have you been spinning your wheels trying to find a new job? There’s no denying the job search process can be very mentally and emotionally draining. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to improve your search outcomes and find better employment opportunities. One of the best ways to enhance your search is to work […]